Tuesday 16 April 2013

A few images...

I think the jury is now in on the status of my photo setup; a mixture of good and bad news. First the good...I'm able to record enough detail about what I see to recognize many of the features for future identification. The bad news is two fold. First the camera adapter is meant for a smaller, ccd video sensor and the projected image onto my sSLR sensor is quite small. Secondly, the adapter lacks the correction a normal Zeiss Kpl eyepiece makes to the objective image. All this means that at this point I'm not capable of taking good pictures but I can start recording my observations while I look for that *excellent* photo adapter. And as importantly, keep working on my photography skills.

Furthermore, today I discovered some open water on Sturgeon Creek and armed with a number of containers I scooped up several water, sediment and algae samples. An hour or so at the microscope coughed up a few specimens.

A Diatom Parade
Two pennate diatoms

An algae?

A cyanobacteria

A Filamentous Algae

A dead diatom

Vorticella (Peritrich ciliate)


  1. Hi Harry! Thanks for this interesting blog. This image shows a Peritrich ciliate (a Vorticellid), not a rotifer.

  2. Thanks for the correction! My mind was thinking Vorticella as my fingers were typing Rotifer. Not sure what that signifies but at my age I just don't care anymore. :)
