Friday 26 April 2013

A mite fuzzy...

I ran into an interesting experience yesterday while strolling down the microbial highway. There, not more than 10 inches away, I saw what appeared to be a new born mite struggling to get out of its egg case. Camera always at the ready, I snapped a photo so the scene details could be shared with you. The emerging mite appeared to be about 30 microns wide.

A few things were working against me. This egg, if that’s what it actually was, came from some tree lichen so the little beasty may have been terrestrial in nature. Since it was immersed in water as part of my plan to capture the elusive water bear, it may have been experiencing some distress. I was also having trouble with image focus; perhaps the mite was too thick or opaque for proper focus or illumination. It also seemed to be completely covered with a fairly thick layer of bacteria, caught in the image as a lighter halo surrounding the emerging mite and egg . When the shutter closed, only the upper two legs seemed to be in focus. So there we have it...poor picture but an interesting event I wanted to share. 

After this was all over the little critter was transferred to a drier piece of moss in the hope it may successfully continue its passage to eventual adulthood.

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